At the moment I have received no money for designing and writing this site. I've done it because (in my opinion) there is a need for it, and (to be honest) I wanted to see if I could do it. I also wanted a shop window to publicise my other services. But I can't keep running it on fresh air! And I want to expand it, responding to demand for particular subjects, giving more information about Universal Credit, and thinking of new and innovative ways to explain things.
The plan is to fund the site, at least in past, from advertising. But for this to work I need a lot of people to use the site.
So the main thing you can do to help Benefits Owl take to its wings is to spread the word!
- If Benefits Owl helps you, tell your friends;
- If Benefits Owl helps your clients, include a link on your organisation's website.
If you are part of an organisation, you can also help fund the website by using my other services.
If you want to support Benefits Owl in any other way, please contact me